By: Johana M. Caba
Social media is always evolving and policies are always changing. The political campaigns of prominent politicians and political parties are likely going to change in 2020 with various platforms banning or restricting the types of political advertisements that are allowed. For a brief recap, Twitter and Facebook have taken different stands on the situation involving political campaigning on their platforms. In terms of paid advertisements that are promoted to people based on micro-targeting, Twitter has banned all political ads unless they meet certain criteria. Some of the promoted content that is still allowed includes social, economic and environmental issues from organizations such as non-profits. On the other hand, Facebook has decided to continue to allow politicians to advertise on their platform. Furthermore, they will not be fact checking which means that politicians can continue to advertise lies. What does this mean for political campaigns? How can less prominent politicians get ahead of the game? There are a few ways politicians can take advantage of social media without the use of advertisements. Thus far, they will not have a problem with Facebook considering that they can still promote their ads as usual. Below are recommendations on what politicians and their teams can do to still reach large audiences on Twitter:
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